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Background and overview of process for the 2023 annual update to the Los Angeles Continuum of Care Governance Charter.

June 05, 2023 | September 11, 2023 | 1,855 total views


LA CoC Governance Charter

The most recent update to the LA CoC Governance Charter occurred in June 2022 and focused on clarifying roles and responsibilities for operating the LA CoC. The 2023 update will continue to make incremental changes based on HUD guidance and stakeholder and community feedback. Major revisions for 2023 will focus on clarifying and designating governance and oversight of the Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policy Council.

Version History

  • The previous LA CoC Governance Charter (approved on June 28, 2022), can be accessed here.
  • The 2023 revised draft of the LA CoC Governance Charter (published on June 5, 2023) can be accessed here.

Public comment has closed

Per the amendment process as established in the LA CoC Governance Charter, all revisions and amendment(s) to this charter are required to be posted in writing for public review for a period of at least five (5) business days before action is taken.

The public comment period was open from June 6, 2023, until June 20, 2023, at 5 p.m. PST. An additional public comment period may be held; please monitor 现金娱乐网注册 communications and visit this webpage often for additional updates.

FY 2023 CoC Governance Charter Revision Timeline

Month Details
Jan - Feb 2023

现金娱乐网注册 initiates planning process for annual review and update of CoC Governance Charter

Mar - Apr 2023

现金娱乐网注册 consults with key stakeholders and drafts revisions to charter

May - June 2023

现金娱乐网注册 publishes draft charter for public comment and incorporates public comment into final draft for approval by CoC General Membership

TBA 2023

现金娱乐网注册 hosts a meeting of the CoC General Membership to approve the annual update to the LA CoC Governance Charter

Continuum of Care Informational Resources

LA CoC Homeless Coalitions by Service Planning Area (SPA) *subject to change, please contact coalition directly for most updated schedule information

To learn more about the Los Angeles Continuum of Care, LA CoC Board, or CoC Governance, please visit http://bhp.844201.com/coc/ and navigate to the applicable webpage.

If you have questions, please reach out to us at LACoCBoard@844201.com.


FY 2023 CoC Program NOFO
FY 2022 CoC Program NOFO
Los Angeles Continuum of Care (LA CoC) Membership Information
Los Angeles Continuum Of Care Governance Charter 2023 Annual Update
2022 Special Nofo To Address Unsheltered And Rural Homelessness